Cm/Feet And Feet/Cm Converter

An easy-to-use CM/Feet and Feet/CM converter tool will assist you in making accurate calculations between centimeters and feet units. We've simplified the process of converting between these measurements for your convenience.

CM-FEET And FEET-CM Calculator

Centimeters To Feet Conversions :

Feet To Centimeters Conversions :


Centimeters, abbreviated as CM, stand as a pivotal unit of length within the metric system. Defined as one hundredth of a meter, they provide precise measurements for shorter distances, typically ranging from a fraction of a centimeter to several dozen centimeters.


Feet, a unit of length widely used in various systems of measurement, stand as an essential imperial unit, typically representing longer distances compared to centimeters within the metric system.

From CM To FT Conversion Table

Centimeters (cm) Meters (m) Millimeters (mm) Kilometers (km) Inches Feet Yards
1 cm 0.01 m 10 mm 0.00001 km 0.3937 in 0.0328 ft 0.0109 yd
10 cm 0.1 m 100 mm 0.0001 km 3.937 in 0.328 ft 0.1094 yd
50 cm 0.5 m 500 mm 0.0005 km 19.685 in 1.64 ft 0.5469 yd
100 cm (1 meter) 1 m 1000 mm 0.001 km 39.37 in 3.281 ft 1.0936 yd
200 cm 2 m 2000 mm 0.002 km 78.74 in 6.562 ft 2.1872 yd
500 cm 5 m 5000 mm 0.005 km 196.85 in 16.404 ft 5.4681 yd

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